Our award wining ad campaign
Designed by Jeff Griffith and Joe Lovering. ANDY Award winner, ONE Club nomination and more. Click on the images below to see the full size ad.
Miss Vera's Academy is profiled in an interview on NPR: Cross-Dressing Academy Helps Put Men In Touch With 'Femmeselves'.
Meet Miss Vera: The gender coach who's helped hundreds discover their true identities.
Miss Vera's Academy is profiled in an interview on WFUV.
Miss Vera's Academy, students and deans are profiled in the Sunday Daily News! Many more of you are involved in the story of my academy and to all I am forever grateful. This main story has links to all, plus photos.
Ginger Liscious spent two weeks at our Academy during which time I designed a life-changing program for her. Her visit culminated with her decision to come out in OUT Magazine, February, 2015. Brava to yet another Academy supermodel. We’ve actually had this article made into a large plaque that we hung with pride on our academy wall.
We are happy announce that on September 27, 2008 a profile of our brilliant and beautiful founder Veronica Vera appeared in the prestigious Financial Times of London. Joyful responses have come in from as far away as India. In this dreary financial climate we are tickled pink to have brought the world’s frocked up ceo’s and bankers a bit of sunshine. (Thanks to student/model Patricia and friend Rick S. for assistance).
Read the hilarious and intelligent account of an academy transformation by Reporter Chris Wright in the Boston Phoenix.
Designed by Jeff Griffith and Joe Lovering. ANDY Award winner, ONE Club nomination and more. Click on the images below to see the full size ad.
Program #383 - October 28, 2002
Nancy Nangeroni and Gordene Mackenzie had Miss Vera as their guest for a full hour on GenderTalk, the internet program that brings you provocative transgender topics each week. Listen online.
Program # 126 - November 4, 1997
A real audio version of Miss Vera’s first interview on GenderTalk Radio is available online.